Unique Security Inc. is a family owned and operated company that provides your home with a reliable alarm system and monitoring.
Residential Services
Cellular Monitoring
Phone Line Monitoring
Internet Monitoring
Burglary protection and Monitoring
Fire monitoring
Carbon monoxide
Flood sensors
Medical alert
Total Connect – Smart Phone access arm/disarm
Smart Phone Alerts Text/Email
24 hour monitoring
Outdoor Security

Commercial Services

Fire Monitoring
Smart Phone Alerts Text/Email
Celluar Monitoring
Phone Line Monitoring
Internet Monitoring
24 hour monitoring
Open/close reports
Flood Sensors
Outdoor Security
Smart Phone access arm/disarm
Burglars Confess:
Why your home is a target
“A groundbreaking new study by researcher Dr. Joseph B. Kuhns of the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte examines hundreds of convicted offenders to gain an unprecedented look inside the mind of a burglar, providing remarkable insight into an intruders motivation and methods.
The 64-page study reveals the burglars motivations, target-selection strategies, techniques, gender differences, and effectiveness of deterrence factors such as burglar alarms and video surveillance.
According to the study, a majority of burglars considered the presence of deterrents such as alarms, outdoor cameras and other surveillance equipment when choosing a potential residential or commercial target. Approximately 83 percent of the offenders said they would attempt to determine if an alarm was present before attempting a burglary, and 60 percent said they would seek an alternative target. This was particularly true among the subset of burglars who were more likely to spend time deliberately and carefully planning a burglary.”

“Among those who discovered the presence of an alarm while attempting a burglary, half reported they would discontinue the attempt, while another 31 percent said they would sometimes retreat. Only 13 percent said they would always continue the attempt even after an alarm had been discovered.
Other findings: The presence of video surveillance was also an effective deterrent. Nearly 60 percent of the burglars said they would consider the presence of cameras or other video equipment when selecting a target, and more than 40 percent said that would be a factor in prompting them to choose another target”